Gerakan Pemuda Sosial Polman

Gerakan Pemuda Sosial Polman

Minggu, 29 Januari 2012


Haeruddin. L 241 08 275. "Local Institutional Review of Resources Utilization of Capture Fisheries in Maros regency (Case Study Village District Pajjukukang Bontoa." Under the guidance of Andi Adri Arief as primary mentors and tutors Djumran Yusuf as a member.

This study aims to determine the values ​​of local institutions found in coastal communities in Maros regency which has links with the utilization of fishery resources and to know the perceptions and aspirations of local institutional values ​​of the utilization of fisheries resources.

The research was conducted for 3 months, October to December in the Village District Pajjukukang Bontoa Maros regency. This study used qualitative research methods approach (qualitative research) are trying to construct reality and understand its meaning, so very concerned about processes, events and authenticity. The emphasis of qualitative research aimed to examine the condition of the subject, by searching and finding information through case studies with a limited but profound depiction holistically. Qualitative approach characterizes kaulitas meaning which refers to natural and does not describe the terms of the calculation.

Based on research results obtained that the values ​​of local institutions in the utilization of fishery resources represented in the social relations of kinship institutions, institutions of Religion and Belief (Myths, Rites, fetishes, Cult, and Magic) as well as the order of prohibition / abstinence (nakasa '). While the values ​​of local institutions perceived as very supportive community in the utilization of fisheries resources because they contain motifs safety (protection of the Creator) and the motive provision (the economy).

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